I'm honestly not much of a halo fan. Halo 2 was a pretty big diassapointment for me.
However as a good friend and I are fond of going through games on co-op modes, so we've gone through evey halo game side by side. Which has been enjoyable, but short of co-op I've never had much fun with halo games. Multiplayer is infested with retards who can't use the god damn mute function on their mic. And of course, the loveable internet tough Guy (becuase talkin shit in person be dangerious yo!)
Anyway, general Halo whining aside,
ODST.....Well I don't really understand the point of ODST, With a story that doesn't really matter and full of annoying characters you just really don't give a shit about. Like the boyfriendy girlfriendy characters you're forced to listen to their exposition right off the bat, which is just down right crappy. The advertisement of space marines rushing through fire, blowing the crap out of stuff in all directions is toned down to some crap character interaction....thanks guys!
The health pack thing is a change, and a change for the worse. Now instead of just beating it in a corner for a few seconds, you have to seek out giant port-o-potty looking things to grab a cylinder that heals you. We all know sitting in a corner to regen health is dumb, but the medical packs in games don't make any sense either, why mess with something that works? Its like going back to the dark days of videogaming, getting stuck at a checkpoint no where near a damn health pack.
I seem to remember hearing part of the philosophy behind ODST is that you're a Marine, not the master chief, in other words you're not some crazy ass warrior who regens shields by beating it in a corner for awhile after getting shot, and you can't carry redundant amounts of gear.
Well they kinda screwed that up, since you can still rip Heavy machine gun like weapons off their stands and run around with them. Probably because Halo fans would bitch too much if you couldn't do that.
Ammo seems to run out really really really fast. I switch weapons so much in that game I can't even remember what the hell I'm carrying with me. In the heat of a fight its just like "LOL PRESS Y TO SWITCH" ...oh uhh okay? didn't I just have 250 rounds 45 seconds ago? You try and pack the spartan laser or a good ol rocket launcher for tanks, but you have to end up dropping it to pick up something you can actually fight the grunts and brutes with.

Visually however, ODST kicks ass, Aside from one problem of the game starts out really dark, still, the game looks damn good. Pleasing to the eyes, and interesting urban environment to start off with too. Although the city is full of giant doors..which kinda ruins the "I'm in a city" feel.
Also, whats up with the 3d map? that really doesn't help.
Firefight mode: Hells Yea!
This is the most fun my friend and I had with ODST, there's a bunch of aliens, slaughter the shit out of them and don't stop till you die. Can't really describe it more than that, its fun, you kill a lot of aliens and die like a bad ass. Old man Nukem would be proud son.
Well, this is a pretty crap review to start out with. But I decided to throw up a new, more topical game to kick off my new blog. If you're a halo fan you're probably already writing a leet speech hate mail/comment to me.
Bottom line: If you're a big time halo fan, well...you probably already own ODST. If not, if you've had some enjoyment with the halo series, I'd recommend a rental, go through it with a friend, or just tear up aliens in firefight mode. Firefight mode kicks ass.
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